Friday, 16 September 2011

If you like Lemony Snicket you'll LOVE Echo McCool - Lady Gwen Review

Echo just rocks! I read it over the summer and could not put it down! Prior to reading this novel, I was a HUGE Lemony Snicket fan (I own every single book of his in my collection). Now I have a new favorite. I think that this author writes in a very similar way by means of having the ability to create a story in our world that is filled with amazing characters and scenarios. It gives you that tease that "what if this could happen". The story flows so well that I got lost in time on many occasions and realized I was up way later than I should have been. I would absolutely lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeee to see this book made into a movie! Echo would kick so much butt!!

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